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Grade 3 ELA Curriculum:   

Our English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum, MyView, integrates reading, writing, grammar, speaking and listening, phonics, and word study to meet the Common Core State Standards.  There are 5 ELA units, and each include fiction and non-fiction texts. 


A typical literacy day in our classroom will include:


-whole class instruction on the current concepts being taught and reinforced

-guided and independent reading

-research using a variety of texts and online materials

-analyzing and critiquing text to guide our ideas and answer questions

-reading stations

-shared reading

-writer's workshop



Guided Reading & Literacy Centers:  Another block of our reading time, about 30 minutes, is used for students to complete literacy centers and meet with teachers for guided reading.  Guided reading is a time for students to receive instruction from their teachers at the level in which they are reading.  Student levels are determined by the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark System throughout the year, as well as with notes taken by the teacher during guided reading time.  Literacy centers are focused on reading and writing activities to meet the needs of all learners. Students enjoy listening to literature, writing about books they are reading, working with their spelling words, writing about their interests, and reading additional texts that relate to our thematic units, as well as independent reading selections.

Reading at Home:  Your child will be asked to read each night as part of their daily homework. Students check out books from our school and classroom libraries.  They should be bringing their books home every night.  Your child will be taught how to find a “just right” book, however if you feel your child is bringing home books that are too hard, or too easy, please let me know.  It is very important that your child is reading at home each day.  Homework will be to read for a minimum of 10 minutes, but of course, reading more than that time requirement would be wonderful and excellent for your child’s growth as a reader!  Thank you for your continued support! 

2018 Mrs. Oliver 3rd Grade    Johnsburg Elementary School 

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